Objections : Quotes and grabs from other objector letters

Quotes or extracts below on this new page come direct from objections and permission has been granted to publish here.

If Narconon is sniffing around your part of the world see the template objection letter we used in Warburton.

I am surprised and extremely disappointed at the lack of public consultation by the Yarra Ranges Council on this matter. There has been far too little too late. This gives the strong appearance of a signed deal and white-wash of the matter, of political pressures being brought to bear on the Council by the Narconon developers and lawyers, and of total disregard for the wishes of local residents. This is appalling. Ms.W, Warburton

I also have serious concerns about the wider impact of such a facility on Warburton's reputation as a family-friendly town and an idyllic holiday and recreation destination. My tenant, on hearing of the proposal to locate eighty people getting off drugs next door to him and his children, immediately gave notice to vacate. Given his reaction I feel that this development would be severely detrimental to the rental potential of my property, and to the property value overall. Mr R, Warburton
In the planning report by Simon Merrigan of Millar I Merrigan under section 2.1 and in the conclusion 3.0 – the applicant speaks to the use of the facility as an educational facility and the lack of any negative impact on the amenity of the neighbours. The driveway entrance to this facility is a very average gravel driveway that passes several homes. I directly challenge the applicants ‘spin’ that the occasional or non continuous use of the centre currently as a conference centre – will have the same impact as using the facility as a permanent residence for up to 80 residents and 24 staff and Sunday visits by up to 30 family members of the residents. Mr. J, Warburton
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