Information about Narconon / Get Off Drugs Naturally

Think about going to Narconon? Think again. See this useful, site regarding Narconon:

Information below was provided to Warburton residents when Narconon started their process::

  • Up to 80 people will be going through withdrawal with only one night watchman from 10pm till 6am and no medically trained staff at the facility, or POLICE available in Warburton.
  • See the FOI link on the homepage - to see what has been happening at Narconon in East Warburton over the past 13 years.

Notes from a meeting with Nerida and Tony from Narconon - August 9th, 2013

  • Q: The success rate is variously quoted as approx 72%- 75% success rate - is that true?
  • A: Yes and NO. What it means is that for every 100 people who enter the program - 50 will not complete. Of the 50 remaining, approx 35-40 will successfully complete. 35-40 / 50 = 70-80%. SO it means that for every 100 people that walk through the door - 60-65 are leaving or failing the program. This does not always happen in an orderly fashion. Hence the concern of some school parents and local residents about people absconding.
  • Q: Who will purchase Green Gables?
  • A: ABLE - Los Angeles based Association of Better Living and Education. This is a Narconon associated company with the purpose of helping Narconon establish new facilities. They do not share an office - but have offices nearby each other in LA. These offices are the closest offices to Warburton.
  • Q: Narconon say they have outgrown their current site?
  • A: No, they haven't. The reason they want to move was clearly stated by Nerida and John as being purely financial. ABLE will purchase Green Gables and make it available to them 'rent free'. "Why wouldn't they move" they said. Why not indeed. But for Narconon to save annual $100k (their figure) in rent + additional upkeep costs - at what financial cost to our local school and local property owners. If Narconon move in, the financial devastation (read about actual financial loss already happening in Warburton) could run into the $1 000 000s. The Warburton Community will pay dearly - so Narconon can save. This is a financial and business decision for them - it is not up to Warburton to pay the price of their financial business issues.
  • I would have thought their current isolation is an asset...isn't it?
  • Yes, the isolation is an asset. Both Nerida and John agreed that being removed from the distractions of life and individuals who may steer their 'students' off course is an asset. So how will it be an asset to be in the midst of a residential zone? with multiple houses bordering the facility, with roads running left and right - easier access in and out? "There will be no barbed wire fence", "It's not a prison, people can leave when they want".  Exactly the point that raises fear in our community. Fear means decreased property prices, it means people are scared in their homes. The Australian and global stock markets are widely accepted to run on large doses of daily confidence, who's in charge, what happened today, what might happen tomorrow - fortunes are made and lost on fear. Real fortunes, real losses, real health issues based on fear. Why is it so surprising to Yarra Ranges Council that a community also runs on confidence about their safety. The perceived safety of our community members and children walking to school is of critical importance.

Related: Indefinite detention of children on Nauru, and constitutional invalidity of Australia's offshore detention program.

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